"I grew up as the “fat” kid. I was teased every day in elementary school. At holiday time my brother, who was perfectly thin, would get the treats and candy. I didn’t. This created a warped body image that I clung to well into adulthood. Six and a half years ago I was diagnosed with diabetes. My mom had died five years before from complications from the same disease. I made a lifestyle change and began to walk every day and changed the way that I was eating. On a Black Friday watching periscope, I discovered Kim selling Lularoe. I was instantly captivated by her positivity. I was excited to watch her True Health talks. As I have come to accept my body and its faults, which I am quick to see, Kim was talking about the importance to see the positives. It has helped me to accept all of me...the good and the not so good. She is cheering me on as I continue to walk and work to be diabetic free. She doesn’t judge my body faults but is encouraging to the lifestyle that I am living. Kim, thank you for all that you do for each of us."